Staying true to our ‘go big or go home’ mantra, the Treat Kitchen team came through with something completely different this time. Yep, a whole, fully- branded, Treat Kitchen, Nottingham City transport bus! This will be travelling all over the city on local routes, so you'll be sure to see it!
*Gasps in absolute disbelief*
To celebrate the launch of this, we ventured down to Wollaton Hall, branded tote bags in hand, and treated the general public to some yummy Treat Kitchen sweet treats!
This was such a fun morning for everyone, and we all had the best time! The deer’s were doing their thing – chilling, napping, eating and looking all types of cute , and so were we! -having an absolute blast, enjoying the beautiful weather, and spreading the best Treat Kitchen vibes with our yummy treats!
It was a win win situation!
But, it doesn’t end there with the freebies! We’re also running a competition! You know we love a good giveaway 😏.
Introducing, ‘#treatkitchenspotted’ …this is your chance to win a 50% off in-store voucher and a free ice-cream! Just tag us in the photos of your Treat Kitchen bus sighting, with the hashtag, and be in with a chance of winning.
It really is that simple!
Don’t forget to follow us on our socials if you aren’t already, to keep up with the Treat Kitchen bus, and keep an eye out for our next venture! 👀
Instagram: @treatkitchengifting
LinkedIn: TTK Confectionery