Can you believe The Great British Bake Off has been on our screens since 2010? Launching culinary superstars like Nadia Hussain and making national treasures of judges Mary, Paul and most recently Pru, The Great British Bake Off continues to be a massive hit.
As series thirteen draws to a close we asked friends and family what they love about this TV super show!
- Countdown to Christmas
Although Bake Off is traditionally filmed in summer it usually airs as the dark nights start to creep in and the leaves fall off the trees. This means it’s the perfect show to watch while getting cosy by the fire with your PJs on, a mug of hot chocolate and of course some cake! (The same vibes as Strictly Come Dancing -stay tuned for future blogs!)
- Perfect relaxation
You can relax and enjoy the programme because all the pressure to get that custard to set is on the contestants, and not you! (*sighs in absolute relief*. Heart-warming displays of encouragement and camaraderie for their fellow contestants leave you with a warm glow.
- The judges
From an illusive Paul Hollywood handshake to an all important “excellent flavour” from Pru we love to see how the judges will react to the bakers’ creations. We can become armchair judges and shout advice and warnings from the telly feeling smug while knowing we wouldn’t stand a chance in the tent ourselves!
- The presenters
Mel & Sue provided some hilarious moments when the show was on the BBC, and Noel, Sandy and Matt have now bought their own unique style to the Channel 4 version. They provide comfort and encouragement during a baking disaster; ask the questions we all want answering and sneak the odd taster before judging commences.
Plus, if they can squeeze in a cheeky bit of innuendo then all the better – stiff peaks anyone?
- Disaster Zone
Let’s not pretend we don’t love to watch as someone’s gateaux teeters on the edge of a cake stand. Don’t deny it, we all wait to see when that baker has realised they haven’t turned the oven on, or, in the case of Deborah in series 4 they use someone else’s custard.
If this year’s competition has put you in the mood for some Bake-Off style activities check out our range of baking bottles and gingerbread kits here and get your aprons on!
You don’t have to be a Star Baker to use a Treat Kitchen Baking Kit - a love of the sweet stuff, minimal ingredients, and you’re ready to go!
Check out the The Great Treat Kitchen Bake Off on our TikTok to see how we did in the kitchen! 😄
Our Baking Kits are easy and fun to use – enjoy!