It’s National Pet Week (in the US anyway but hey any excuse to talk about our furry friends). There’s so much evidence to show that having a pet is beneficial to your wellbeing. They can help to alleviate stress, anxiety and depression by providing a welcome distraction from everyday problems. They can also great for exercise whether its walking the dog or cleaning out the rabbit hutch bent double trying to get to that hard to reach part!
Here at Treat Kitchen we love sharing pictures on our group chat of our pets so lets introduce them to you now…
Fabulous Felines…
First up is His Royal Highness King Louis Phillipe. This gorgeous cat belongs to Scott our E-Commerce Manager. King Louis Phillipe definitely rules the roost at his house. We love to see him pop up for a cuddle on teams meetings.
Lucy and Evie belong to Katie our Commercial Director Katie. I don’t know how Katie tells them apart but I hear they have quite unique personalities. Here they are playing in the garden and enjoying the warmth of the greenhouse.
Fergus is a cheeky cat belonging to our Designer Izzy. She has to keep an eye on him as has been known to try and climb the Christmas tree. Here he is all stretched out and relaxed.
Cutie Canines…
Django the working Cocker Spaniel lives with Charlotte our Planner, he loves going for walks and getting out into nature. His beautiful glossy fur is the envy of all the neighbourhood dogs.
Everyone loves Louis the Bassett Hound. Louis belongs to Fran our Bakery Manager. He has starred in many of our TikTok videos and has even been approached to be a doggie supermodel. He is pretty chilled and loves a treat (who doesn’t to be fair).
In a category of their own…
Meet African Land Snails Shiny and Moussa! They live with our Customer Experience Manager Georgia. Shiny is around two years old and growing fast. Moussa and Shiny love to spend the day munching away on cucumber and Peppers.
Buttons and Bungy are Jess and Martin’s lop earred rabbits. They were adopted from Stonebridge City Farm just down the road from Treat Kitchen HQ. Their favourite snack is brussel sprouts.
We hope you enjoyed meeting our pets! Don’t forget our message bottles are perfect for upcycling. They make the ideal storage jar for keeping those treats and snacks in for your furry friend.